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Southern Baptist Marxists?

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Philosophy, Theology




Ozark, MO

Southern Baptist Marxists
In July, 2001, I left Southwest Baptist University (SBU) behind to attend New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) to earn a degree that would lead to a PhD so I could teach at a Baptist University. My time at NOBTS was perhaps one of the worst experiences in my life. I came back from NOBTS angry and bitter in just two years. I had confronted the great Fundamental takeover as a student and been defeated and I wasn't even aware of what had happened or why it had happened. I knew nothing at that time about the takeover besides some vague rumors while attending SBU. I had thought I was above such things.
I was lost for many years and finally ended up at Missouri State University in their Religious Studies degree. I finally had the resources to dig into the problem I had faced at NOBTS and learned all I could about the schism that started in 1979 with Paul Pressler, Paige Patterson, and Adrian Rodgers. I learned I was just another causality in a Religious war of ideas and dominance. Because of this, I did what anyone who was traumatized by men claiming to wear the red and white garments of religion. I wrote a graduate thesis about it and found release of my grief through the process. But I paid a price for it because my fundamental beliefs about faith and my need to seek the truth ended my career as professor. It was made clear I would never work for a religious university at the time and because I believed Christianity was true kept me out of a secular university.
But MSU had taught me some things, even if I couldn't agree with them. I learned about Postmodernism. I learned about certain key words and phrases which signaled Cultural Marxism and Liberation Theology. I became a student of Sartre, Camus, Stanley Fish, and Derrida. I read Marx and Nietzsche, books which had been forbidden texts at SBU and NOBTS unless you meant to ridicule the authors. But at NOBTS, I had read Calvin, Luther, and Aquinas and my faith had been grounded so Marx couldn't possess it, Derrida couldn't find the gaps in it, And Fish couldn't read me without my authority (sorry for the postmodern jokes to my casual readers). Only now do I realize that NOBTS, despite all of its failings, inoculated me while MSU had healed me. That is the only praise I can give NOBTS because its men in their red robes of theology and history were not my teachers. They had been my torturers.
Because of my experiences, I have stayed away from Southern Baptist Polity, Theology, Politics, Ethics, etc., since I finished my thesis. I had said what needed to be said and that world was closed to me. I had displeased both the ivory towers of Marxism and Fundamentalism.
Tonight, while at church, I was handed a flyer for the "2023 National Day of Prayer" put out by the SBC. The flyer references verses from James about prayer, which I find odd since there is are sixty-five other books to reference. The flyer asks SBC members to confess to their six sins. They label those sins as anger, partiality, speech, envy, pride, and abuse. They move on to intercession and focus on healing (which I have no issue with), then to blessings (which bothers me a great deal), and evangelism (which should be a safe issue) but they ask it in a way that makes me question everything. The flyer uses Marxist words like privilege, vulnerable, and culture.
One word by itself could be excused, but when it all comes together in the short flyer, you recognize an influence of Marxist thought. Privilege is a concept in Anti-Racism, which is Marxism, which holds that some groups by their immutable characteristics are racist and they cannot stop being racist because they cannot change their immutable (unchanging) characteristics. Vulnerable is often used to referred to marginalized groups who have been pushed out of society so that the powerful can use up their resources. Culture should be a safe word, but in context of the other words, it cannot be left alone. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission isn't concerned with the ethical failings of the SBC or other state conventions, but has decided to focus on, "the cultures of local congregations." On what authority does the SBC have to interfere with the culture of local congregations. This should be alarming to all Southern Baptists as we do not have a top down organization but an organization of churches who work together in agreement to reach those who don't know God as their savior. When a Marxist speaks of culture, they plan to use it as a weapon to force change.
The book of James, was written by James a disciple, who was the brother of Jesus. This book is not the problem. But progressive Marxist Christians love to use this book because they can twist the verses to build a works-based religion around Social Justice issues such as equity, anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion. To exclusively have used James as the reference source is troubling.
Going back to the sins, why did they choose anger, partiality, speech, envy, pride, and abuse. Are they afraid of Southern Baptists, a largely white denomination (to our shame, but for supporting slavery), of being angry? Do they worry too many of us voted for Trump? Why partiality? It's wrong to show favor to the rich, but it is also wrong to show favor to the poor? Why link partiality to privilege if you don't mean the privilege of being white or of being Christian or of being male? In a world where speech is constantly under attack, what are we to confess about our speech? It links condemnation to speech, but sometimes we are justified to condemn behaviors and even at times, people. Envy is linked to justifying jealousy toward others? Envy is an inward behavior which rots us at our core. But what does the flyer's author mean by "justifying jealousy"? I've never heard it phrased with the concept of justice. The sin of Pride is hard to argue for, by me or even the author, as they only ask, "Am I proud?" The last sin is abuse and the author asks if we have taken advantage of the vulnerable? Abuse isn't just taking advantage of the vulnerable. Abuse is seeking to destroy and control other human beings through violence, verbal attacks, rape and molestation. Abuse is everything short of murder. Taking advantage of the vulnerable, stealing from them, is not the worst example of abuse.
I will only touch on the Intercession and Blessings. Why do they focus on material blessings? Why use the world "material"? Material is a common concern of Marx. He constantly refers refer to the material world so he can assert its supremacy over the immaterial world which he claims doesn't exist. I accept that this word on its own means nothing. But when used with all the other words, I find it troubling.
I found the whole flyer strange. It spoke to me and asked if I could see the Marxism ideology. Did the person or committee that put the flyer together not recognize their own references to Liberation Theology or Cultural Marxism? Were their references subconscious or were the references conscious? If they did not know, has it seeped into their way of thinking? Has the entire SBC become infected with Marxism? Do people not realize that we have to protect ourselves from Marxism as much as the Children of Israel had to protect themselves from the worship of Baal, Moloch, and Istrid? These beliefs don't corrupt religion. These beliefs replace religion with a worship of the Anti-God; with the worship of Satan. It is Satan that wants us to be concerned with immutable characteristics, not God. It's Satan who wants to build a class of sins based on getting Christians to disappear into the world. And it is Satan who misuses Scripture to build a religion which requires us to work for our salvation.
In the section about righteousness, it asks us to pray for righteousness. But not for God's righteousness or for his salvation to live more fully in us so we can be light to the world. But the flyer pushes for a self-righteous purity of the heart, self-righteous purity of behavior, and self-righteous whipping of our minds. We are saints in Christ; Christ lives in us and freed us from our sin. We cannot free ourselves from sin anymore than we can free ourselves from death. His death makes us righteous and not our own actions. Marxism is determined to make people righteous by first corrupting their hearts against God and then rebuilding them through works of faith, which often force people to not only have the right behaviors but the right thoughts. They replaced the old sins with new ones which are far too easy for us to "follow" to prove we are righteous before our new god, Satan. I need to know if the SBC has really fallen prey to Marxist thought. I've seen some other things which have made me scratch my head, but Satan has been using Marxism to enter churches in the Western World for over a century now. Nearly two centuries. Satan used the 1979 Schism to keep us from being different from the world around us and he'll use Marxism so we are indistinguishable from the world while the SBC continues to slowly fade and die off.
I was afraid to write this article. I asked if this was my fight to fight? I wondered if God needed me to say something? I don't know if it is my fight and I am sure God doesn't need me to say something. He can use dead bones to speak which would be more articulate than me. I'm not sure what is going on at the SBC. Is this an innocent mistake or a sign of Marxism entering the highest levels of the SBC? Are there wolves in sheep's clothing corrupting the faith? Maybe you'll know more than me.

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