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The Wolf who ate the Pastor Pig

Project type

Church Progressive Christianity


Nov. 8, 2023


Ozark, MO

Maybe Churches need a children’s story to understand why we are failing to spread the Word of God with love and mercy. The pictures are from Queerfully and Wonderfully Made. This book is designed to steal Christian teens out of the church.

Once upon a time, a little pastor pig decided he would rather have his church full of people, so he said nothing, which would send people away. He smiled, and he was friendly and he only used the Bible when he had to speak about Christmas and Easter.

One day, a pack of wolves showed up demanding he stopped using the Bible, so he did. He barely needed it anyway. The next time they showed up, the pack was larger. This time they demanded he put up pictures of the wolves where the pictures of the Holy Lamb were and he said yes. He really didn’t understand why it was a Holy Lamb.

Soon, the pack demanded he allow them into the church to pr/ey with his piggy parishioners. He agreed. He was all about inclusion and diversity. Soon, he noticed fewer piggies in his church and more wolves, but he was happy he was so diverse and equitable. He was showing God’s love.

Finally, it was just wolves in the church pews, but he knew he had saved his church from the wolves. As the wolves came forward to the altar, he watched them bring in a large BBQ pit smoker and wondered, “I wonder why they need that.” It was the piggy pastor’s last thought because they sacrificed him on the very altar he had once preached about the Holy Lamb.

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