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Writing is...

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Reflections, Writing, Deep Thoughts


Oct. 8th, 2023


Ozark, MO

Writing is…

Writing is the plow of a fertile civilization. If the person whose hand is on the plow is faithful to the boundaries set by the gardener, he creates a harvest of knowledge and everyone eats. If the person whose hand is on the plow is faithless to the boundaries set by the gardener, he creates a harvest of chaos and famine.

Many people who write want to place their hand on that humble plow. They want to be known for writing which fosters civilization. However, far too many people write poorly, lazily, with malice. As the soil turns over, they throw seeds of toxic weeds behind them. They leave just enough good soil to feed themselves: gleefully knowing others will starve on the produce their acre gives. Far too many writers enjoy being difficult to understand so they appear more intelligent; people eat their words hoping to find nutritional value. Yet, the words, when understandable, are toxic ideas which lead to a madness of spirit. Writers who misuse their craft seek to possess their reader’s minds.

However, we have the writers who stay within the boundaries and diligently turn over the soil given to them so the Gardener can plant fertile seeds which will feed and enlarge a nation. Faithful writers to God expose God’s truth and God’s light. In this way, Civilization expands peacefully. We need more writers, willing to take their hand at the humble plow, so God can plant truth and light into the world. Our task is to diligently leave behind us a path others can follow, leaving behind no toxic seeds in our wake. If we expose the rich soil God has provided us as writers, if we expose His truth to the world, people will know their worth and dignity. Our role as Christian writers is to allow God’s majesty to flourish in our words and stories.

The plow is a weapon to fight starvation or to starve people. Writing is a weapon, much like the plow. What will your writing reveal about God? Will your writing craft a story which grows weeds or grows produce?

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